Tuesday, July 15, 2008


<"http://www.glittertools.com/widgets/00011-glitter-text-maker/output.swf?gstyle=glitter27.swf&ta=Post Feminism&bgcolor=0x9933CC&fs=60&sr=2&sa=0.9&sc=3407616&tst=1&rpx1=1&rpy1=40&dom=www.glittertools.com&swfw=468&swfh=193&pa=http://www.glittertools.com/widgets/00011-glitter-text-maker/">

Fooling around some more, this time with glitter type. The graffitti widget was easy because it saved as a photo. This one saves code to a clipboard. I'm not sure how to post it without the code showing!


Melissa said...

Looks like you just need a <" at the beginning of that string.

Sheila said...

Hmmmm. Any other ideas? Should I take some of the code out?